iGetter V3 Lion
iGetter V3 Lion
iGetter V3 Lion
iGetter V3 Lion

Win  |  Mac

3.1.0 November 1, 2023 (Windows)

- Faster application startup, due to a new icon cache for downloads and folders.
- Added new feature called Instant File Initialization, that allows new downloads (especially large ones) to be created instantaneously. This feature is disabled by default, because Microsoft require a special privilege. Read more.
- Added new option to set file types that iGetter will post process (open with default program). By default, iGetter will post process pdf and zip files.
- Added .nupkg as zip preview extension.
- Updated OpenSSL library, that improves TLS support.
- Improved default search that will look in the history list by default, instead of the downloads queue.
- Improved installation of iGetter add-on for Firefox.
- Fixed Time columns (Finished At, Added On, etc.) in history list, that was incorrect with added time zone.
- Fixed Purchase dialog, that was on top of the opened browser, after clicking on the "Purchase" button. Dialog still stay open, but behind the browser.
- For new users Target Icon will start turned off, Toolbar will use small icons with text labels.
- Removed alert to add URL as Mirror for index.html files.

• 3.0.0 December 20, 2021 (Windows)

- Added new WebExtension for Microsoft Edge, listed on the Edge Add-ons store.
- "Integrate with Internet browsers" Tools menu command, as of now opens iGetter Options, Integration panel. The new buttons "Microsoft Edge", "Chrome", "Firefox" and "Other" on the Integration panel, open corresponding Add-ons store, where users can install iGetter browser extension. The "Other" button is for SeaMonkey as well as Opera, Vivaldi and other Chromium based browsers.
- Added support for Microsoft Edge, Firefox v67+, SeaMonkey, Chrome v80+, Opera and Vivaldi cookies.
- Added support for default browser cookie option (in Item Settings dialog), different than the default browser. Cookie option will be set to the browser selected as User-Agent in iGetter options. The existing logic is preserved if "iGetter" option is set as User-Agent.
- Added SHA256 checksum for completed downloads, which replaces SHA1. Existing downloads will still show SHA1 checksum and recently finished downloads will show SHA256.
- Added possibility to search for MD5/SHA1/SHA256 checksums in History list.
- Added user's Downloads folder (among the existing Desktop and Documents folders) in the Item Settings dialog.
- Added automatic iGetter serial number registration, when the "Purchase" or "Web Store" functions are used to open our WebStore. This allows immediate activation after the purchase process.
- New lower registration fee, that is 20% lower than the previous one. In addition, there are new volume discounts available. Two or more licenses cost -25% of the single license.
- Registered users of v2.x may upgrade free of charge to v3.0.0. This is an exception of our policy, that registered users will receive free support by email and will also get free updates in the major version (i.e. 2.x versions).
- Improved reading speed of iGetter prefs files i.e. History.xml file.
- Updated OpenSSL library.
- Updated User-Agent browser options at iGetter Options, Advanced panel.
- iGetter app and updated installer, work only with standard user (non-admin) privileges and no longer require elevated permissions and UAC prompts. Default installation folder is in user's Programs folder.
- More under the hood improvements. For example, iGetter is build with the latest version of Visual Studio, which has resulted in a more responsive program.
- Removed support for Internet Explorer and outdated versions of browsers.
- Removed outdated or rarely used functions such as PPP Dial-up functions, searching for mirrors in FileAvenue library, QuickTime preview and other. Most QuickTime files are now supported in Windows Media Player component, which iGetter uses.
- Fixed File Info and Preview panels, which showed only background without a table, in some cases i.e. History is selected without selected download.
- Fixed Preview pannel, which appeared even when Details panel is not expanded.
- System requirements for version 3 are Windows 7 and up (including Windows 11).

• 2.7.5 November 6, 2017 (Windows)

- New WebExtension add-on for Firefox 57 or later.
- "Add Contextual menu support for Internet browsers" is merged into "Integrate with Internet browsers" option at iGetter Options, Integration panel. When used, iGetter integration option installs add-ons to all supported browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, SeaMonkey. All add-ons may be controlled in browsers. For example, to disable automatic download interception, and use only CM commands, select iGetter -> "Disable Integration" command in Chrome and Firefox.
- Added a link to SHA1 Info panel field, that opens VirusTotal recent report for selected file's SHA1 checksum.
- New Document icon for iGetter uncompleted downloads.
- Improved Info panel's Copy command. If a single row is selected, only its contents will be copied without description.
- Updated Chinese (Simplified) localization.
- Added %xx%xx file name decoding for some non-standard "Content-Disposition" responses.
- Fixed a crash caused by third-party EST Password Manager on Windows 10.

• 2.7.4 November 7, 2016 (Windows)

- Updated iGetter add-on for compatibility with Firefox 50 or later.
- Updated connection types list in iGetter Acceleration preferences. A new "2Gbps Fiber Optic" option is added.
- Added Vietnamese localization.
- Updated Polish localization.
- Fixed font issue of iGetter About box for some localizations.
- Fixed Taskbar Jump Lists icons on Windows 10.

• 2.7.3 November 4, 2015 (Windows)

- Rewritten iGetter extension for the Chrome browser.
- Updated and signed iGetter add-on for Firefox.
- Improved speed when adding batch downloads.
- Improved Site Explorer > "Add to queue" command, that allows downloading FTP folder (or web page) contents.
- New command line switch "-t <FilePath>" that may suggest specific local path and file name.
- Fixed network error on some HTTPS servers that use newer versions of OpenSSL.
- Fixed decoding of escaped %xx%xx chars in file names.
- Fixed Site Explorer > "Add to queue" command, that should copy Site Explorer's FTP type, username and password to the newly added download.
- Fixed Site Explorer FTP listing, that truncated file names on semicolon ";".
- Fixed "Restart download" in History list, that restarted only the first of selected items.
- "Apply download rules" option at Process Web Page > Options panel is on by default.

• 2.7.2 December 18, 2014 (Windows)

- Added contextual menu support for Chrome 28 and later. Reworked iGetter Extension for Chrome/Chromium using Native Messaging Host for communication with iGetter.
- Added support for UTF-8 encoded Content-Disposition HTTP header fields, as proposed by RFC 5987.
- Added Hindi localization.
- Improved Site Explorer. When adding new files for download, Site Explorer will stay at the site's view.
- Added new "Refresh" command to Site Explorer.
- Fixed an issue in Site Explorer Preview that was unable to show some sites properly.
- Fixed column sorting of Site Explorer and History group.
- Fixed a bug that caused improper downloading when file name includes colon.
- Fixed an issue with the Download Rules which results in broken download at first connection attempt.

• 2.7.0 October 18, 2013 (Windows)

- Added support for both 32 and 64 bit versions of Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 8.1.
- Added support for Opera 14 and later.
- iGetter window minimizes to Tray if Taskbar icon is unpinned on Windows 7 and 8.
- Fixed a bug that caused un-maximized restore of iGetter window after minimize.

• 2.6.8 April 1, 2013 (Windows)

- Added support for Firefox 19 and later.
- Reworked iGetter Extension for Chrome/Chromium in accordance with the new v2 extension model, which supports Chrome/Chromium v18+.
- Added support for "Content-Disposition" downloads in iGetter Extension for Chrome/Chromium browser.
- Added contextual menu integration with Safari 5.1 and later.
- Added Bulgarian localization.
- Fixed a bug that caused Target Icon to appear on top of the screen after a system wake up.

• 2.6.7 August 21, 2012 (Windows)

- Added contextual menu integration with Opera 10 and later.
- Added new functionality in the iGetter Extension for Firefox, which allows transfer of download URLs through a new option named "iGetter" available on the Firefox Save Download dialog.
- Added new option in "Item Settings" and "Advanced Preferences" for preserving original file dates from the download servers.
- Added new option in the "Item Settings" dialog for saving the redirected URL, which overrides the global setting for the selected download.
- Added SHA1 checksum calculation in History Info panel.
- Added a new command switch to iGetter.exe "-e <Referrer>".
- Added support for cookies in secondary download segments. Reworked download engine to resolve cookies per individual URL on download segment.
- Added dynamic cookie cache per active download.
- Added support for Safari 5.1 cookies file.
- Improved iGetter Browser Plug-In used to intercept downloads automatically in Safari, SeaMonkey, Chrome/Chromium and Opera.
- Improved file name extraction. iGetter now allows the following characters in file names when protocol is FTP: "#?&" (without quotes).
- Updated SQLite to improve compatibility with cookies file of the latest Firefox versions.
- Updated logic for Opera cookies.
- Added Thai and Ukrainian localizations.
- Fixed a bug that prevented iGetter to load cookie information for the redirected URLs when "Save redirected URLs" is turned off.
- Fixed file size download rule option in "Item Settings".
- Fixed Site Explorer which cleared apostrophes and quotes in file names.
- Fixed "Add as a mirror" alert to appear on top of all opened "New URL" dialogs.

• 2.6.5 September 1, 2011 (Windows)

- Optimized for Firefox 5/6, Google Chrome and Chromium browsers.
- Added contextual menu integration with Google Chrome and Chromium browsers.
- Added support in iGetter Browser Plug-In for Safari 5.1 browser.
- Added new option "Save redirected URLs" in Advanced Preferences, which could help in case of redirection to temporary URLs.
- Added new options in the "Item Settings" window for "Referrer", "User Agent", "Send Referrer" and "Rename upon redirection". The ability to set these options individually for any download could help with some servers, that require exact User Agent or Referrer, etc.
- Added new option in Advanced Preferences "Waiting items take download slots", which improves processing of the iGetter download queue, when downloading from slow or restrictive servers. Try this option if the default algorithm is ineffective and results in many waiting downloads.
- Added new option in Advanced Preferences "Override the individual download settings", which causes downloads to use the default User Agent, Referrer, etc., instead of the individual options set through the Item Settings dialog.
- Added a new option in Advanced Preferences, to exit iGetter instead of shutting down the computer, etc., when a scheduled event occurs.
- Fixed a bug with the process web page function, that caused improper file naming of downloads with same names in the URLs.
- Fixed a bug that prevented a minimized or maximized iGetter window to be restored.

• 2.6.1 January 26, 2010 (Windows)

- Added German localization.

• 2.6 December 4, 2009 (Windows)

- Added Windows 7 support. It includes the new Windows 7 controls look as well as support for Taskbar Jump List Tasks commands.
- Added support for Firefox 3, Safari 4 and Chrome cookies.
- Added integration support for Safari 4 through a browser plug-in.
- Added the following new options: Turn off Target Icon transparency, Minimize iGetter window on close, Select History group after completion. Options could be set through the iGetter preferences file. For more information visit iGetter FAQ page.
- Added support for Windows default browser option. It is used to set the browser cookie setting when a new URL is added manually.
- Added Italian, Polish and Arabic localizations.
- Fixed file size download rules functionality.
- Fixed a problem with Socks host setting at iGetter Options, Proxy panel.
- Fixed a problem with the Target Icon repositioning upon waking from sleep.
- Fixed Hang-up function to show a warning if no dial-up connection has been set.
- Some other fixes and improvements.

• 2.5.1 June 18, 2008 (Windows)

- Added contextual menu support for Firefox 3.
- Added Indonesian localization.

• 2.5 October 24, 2007 (Windows)

- Added support for Windows Vista.
- Added a new "Download Rules" feature. It allows automatic sorting of newly added downloads into different folders using wide range of conditions.
- Added a new preview feature for downloaded multimedia files. By integration with Windows Media Player and QuickTime technology iGetter allows the previewing of all finished video, audio and other QuickTime readable downloads directly in the application. In addition, iGetter shows all of the available file media information (i.e. codec, height, width, duration, sample rate for movies, etc.)
- Added support for session cookies in Internet Explorer, Firefox and SeaMonkey. This allows downloading from sites, based on session authentication, like adobe.com.
- Added a new special %FILE% argument for the specified anti-viral program. When used this argument will be replaced automatically with the path to the downloaded file.
- Fixed a bug in the Site Explorer that caused improper listing of sites with more than 100 files.
- Other fixes and improvements.

• 2.0.1 January 27, 2006 (Windows)

- Added contextual menu support for Firefox 1.5.
- Added a new function for fast opening of download’s Referrer URL in the default browser. The function is available as a green arrow to the left of "Referrer URL". You can click it to go to the file’s homepage.
- The default download folder set in the iGetter Options, General panel now appears in the New Download "Local folder" combobox.
- Fixed FileAvenue search function to properly work with search terms separated by spaces.
- Fixed "Download with iGetter" contextual menu function in Internet Explorer to work properly with some web sites as live.watchmactv.com.
- Fixed a bug that in some cases caused improper resizing of iGetter main window to its minimum size after a drag and drop operation.
- Fixed synchronization of the "Default number of segments" preference and "Number of segments" value at the New Download dialog.
- Added Traditional Chinese and Portuguese (Brazil) localizations.

• 2.0 September 9, 2005 (Windows)

- Initial release: iGetter is a well known download utility for Mac OS X that now goes to the Windows platform preserving the Mac version’s look and feel as well as functionality that Mac users love.

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2.9.7 November 25, 2019 (Mac)

- Optimized for Safari 12 and Safari 13+.
- Implemented new Safari App Extension, using the new API introduced in Safari 12. The app extension replaces the previous .safariextz extension for the recent Safari versions. The functionality with the "Download with iGetter...", etc., contextual menus is the same in the new extension.
Since Safari 12+ removed support for NPAPI plugins, and didn't introduce new extension API for download observing (i.e. when a download link is clicked and the download is started in the browser), currently no such functionality is present in the new extension.
- Moved to Digital River GmbH as our e-commerce partner, since their subsidiary eSellerate (our previous partner) is being closed down.
- Fixed an issue with the recently notarized Firefox and Chrome, which won't transfer downloads to iGetter through the iGetterExtension. For this, reworked iGetterMessagingHost's method of interaction with iGetter, since the previously used AppleEvents method is disallowed by default in the newly notarized Firefox and Chrome.
- Digitally signed iGetterMessagingHost.
- Implemented new "com.presenta.iGetter.downloadUrls" notification through the CFNotificationCenter, for receiving download URLs, as an alternative to the AppleEvents.
- iGetter WebExtension for Firefox now shows an alert when iGetter couldn't be found on its usual location (either moved or deleted).
- Fixed an issue with Chrome/Chromium's encrypted cookies, which won't appear in full when loaded from the respective cookie DB. Since decrypting of such cookies involves constant use of KeyChain, it's not practical for our usage scenario, and in such cases the cookies will be empty (instead of incomplete names without values).
- Fixed an issue that iGetterMessagingHost doesn't identify Firefox, when transferring downloads to iGetter.

• 2.9.6 June 26, 2018 (Mac)

- Optimized for Firefox v60+.
- Added support for TLS 1.1 and 1.2 when performing SSL communications, which is a requirement for most sites now. Integrated the SSL support into iGetter, so it won't be dependable on macOS and third party libraries.
- Added new extension for Firefox v57+, that supports the new WebExtension API. The new add-on is similar by functionality to the iGetter Chrome extension. The legacy XUL add-on will be used only with Firefox v56 or earlier.
- Renewed the digital signing certificate.
- Added a link at the SHA1 field in the History Info panel, that opens VirusTotal recent report for selected file's SHA1 checksum.
- Added new connection types for 50Mb Fibernet, 2Gb Fibernet and 10Gb Ethernet, optimized for best performance at the chosen speed.
- Added support for relative redirection locations, incl. the protocol part, as per RFC7231.
- Added new User Agent for the Microsoft Edge browser.
- Updated User Agents of Safari, Firefox and Chrome for macOS, as well as Firefox for Windows with recent versions.
- Added new command "Only files larger than 5MB" in the Chrome extension, that would allow transferring to iGetter only downloads larger than 5MB. The smaller files would be downloaded directly by Chrome.
- The "Disable Integration" command state in Chrome extension is now saved through the browser restarts.
- Implemented a workaround for an issue on macOS 10.13 High Sierra, which could lead to completed downloads still opened in iGetter, when double-clicked, etc.
- Fixed an issue with some button icons (as transfer details and speed limiter on the main window, etc.) not appearing properly on macOS 10.13 High Sierra.
- Solved an issue with the "URL" field of the "New URL" dialog not allowing more than 1000 characters, by extending the limit to 10000 characters.
- Fixed an issue with the OS, choosing to use the discrete GPU instead of the integrated one, when displaying iGetter.
- Fixed an issue on OS X 10.9 or later, that caused an error message about iGetterCMPlugin in the console log.

• 2.9.5 Nov 04, 2016 (Mac)

- Optimized for Safari 10 on macOS 10.12 Sierra.
- Optimized for Firefox v50+.
- Digitally signed the installation dmg file to meet the new security requirements of macOS 10.12 Sierra, and prevent "AppTranslocation" from Gatekeeper.
- Implemented a workaround for an issue introduced in Safari 10, which causes disappearing of browser extensions on Safari restart. With this update iGetter Extension installs and works properly on Safari 10.
- Reworked iGetter Extension for Firefox (v45+) to complete the transition to multiprocess versions of Firefox.
- Implemented a workaround for an issue that could lead to a blank page rendered in the integrated eCommerce module, when attempting a purchase in the macOS versions prior El Capitan.
- Reworded the uninstall alert text for better clarity.
- Some fixes and additions to the French, Polish, Japanese and Traditional Chinese localizations.
- Fixed an issue with the integrated eCommerce module asking for permission to access user's contacts.
- Fixed an issue with the "Download selection with iGetter" command in iGetter Extension for Safari 10, which in some very rare cases won't work properly.

• 2.9.4 Jan 06, 2016 (Mac)

- Optimized for Safari 9 on OS X 10.11 El Capitan.
- Optimized for Firefox v43+ and Chrome v45+ browsers.
- Added support for the Safari 9 cookie repository on OS X 10.11 El Capitan.
- Digitally signed iGetter Extension for Firefox at Mozilla add-ons store. This is a requirement since Firefox v43.
- Reworked iGetter Extension for initial compatibility with multiprocess versions of Firefox (v45+).
- Digitally signed iGetter Extension for Chrome/Chromium at Google Play store. This allows automatic in-browser installation and update through the store. This is a requirement for the external extensions with the recent versions of Chrome.
- Reworked iGetter Extension for Chrome/Chromium using the build-in extension API to send all downloads to iGetter. This method replaces the functionality implemented previously by the iGetter Plugin (NPAPI), since NPAPI support was removed from Chrome as of version 45. The above operation can be temporarily disabled with the new context menu command "Disable integration" added by iGetter Extension for Chrome.
- Improved installation of iGetter Extension for Safari 9.0+, due to changed requirements for updating local extensions in Safari 9. Now iGetter will also need to launch Safari for extension updates, in addition to initial extension installation required since Safari 8.
- Improved both iGetter Plugin and iGetterScriptablePlugin for Safari, to read HttpOnly cookies in addition to the already available session and standard cookies.
- Implemented a workaround for the issue introduced in OS X 10.11 El Capitan, which in certain circumstances won't update properly the logical end of file, that could lead to improperly truncated files after a system restart. In iGetter this could manifest in an error that local file download has different size from the remote file.
- Reworded the browser integration options in both iGetter Preferences -> Integration and Installation dialogs, to better reflect the new browser integration functionality. The new option "Install iGetter Browser Extension (add contextual menus, watch for URL clicks)" replaces the previously worded "Add contextual menu support for Internet Browsers". Also "Install iGetter Browser Plugin (Safari and browsers with NPAPI support)" replaces "Integrate with Internet Browsers (watch for URL clicks)".
- Changed "Integrate with Internet Browsers" command from the Tools menu with "Install iGetter Browser Plugin" command, to better reflect its functionality in accordance with the changes in iGetter Preferences -> Integration tab panel.
- Added new function "Install iGetter Browser Extension" in the Tools menu, which installs/uninstalls iGetter Extensions for Safari, Firefox and Chrome/Chromium, and all applicable components.
- Updated User Agents of Safari, Firefox and Chrome for OS X, as well as Internet Explorer and Firefox for Windows with recent versions.
- Added new User Agent for MacAppStore.
- Added support for the "audio/vnd.audible.aax" MIME type.
- Implemented a workaround for an issue with OpenSSL, which in certain cases during a TLS EXT conversation, would drop the connection. The workaround will be used only on systems with OpenSSL 0.9.8j or later (MacOS X 10.6+ to OS X 10.11+).
- Fixed an issue with iGetter preferences, which in some very rare cases on OS X 10.10+ won't save the latest preferences changes on disk.
- Fixed an issue that could lead in some rare cases to high CPU load in Retina mode on OS X 10.10+.
- Fixed an issue with AppNap usage which in some cases would prevent system sleep while iGetter is running on OS X 10.9+.
- Fixed an issue with the "Add to queue" ("Process Web Page") window, when the Total links number won't be calculated properly.

• 2.9.3 November 14, 2014 (Mac)

- Optimized for Safari 8 on OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
- Implemented new installation method of iGetter Extension for Safari 8 on OS X 10.10 Yosemite, as well as Safari 7.1+ on OS X 10.9 and Safari 6.2+ on OS X 10.8.
- Improved installation of iGetter Plugin for Safari 6.1+, 7.0+ and 8.0+.
- Reworked iGetter Extension for Firefox using js-ctypes to load native code for communication with iGetter.
- Reworked iGetter Extension for Chrome/Chromium using Native Messaging Host for communication with iGetter.
- Added support for Notification Center in OS X 10.10 Yosemite, OS X 10.9 and OS X 10.8. With the new option "Show desktop notifications" in the Speech preferences, iGetter will show notification messages on the chosen download events.
- Added support for App Nap in OS X 10.10 Yosemite and OS X 10.9. iGetter fully utilizes App Nap, which helps you save power in periods when the application is idle. When downloading, scheduling or doing other tasks, iGetter disables App Nap in order to resume its full performance.
- Digitally signed with version 2 signature for conformance with Gatekeeper on OS X 10.10 Yosemite and OS X 10.9.5.
- More intuitive Site Explorer, which conveniently shows the site's file hierarchy expanded to the same file, selected before leaving the view. Additionally, when adding new files for download, Site Explorer will stay at the site's view.
- Improved Enter Site URL dialog to load user and password data from the Site Manager, when such info is available for the URL.
- Added support for UTF-8 encoded Content-Disposition HTTP header fields, as proposed by RFC 5987.
- Added GB measurement for larger files and MB/s for higher download speeds.
- Added keyboard shortcuts for "Start Automatic Downloading" Shift+Command+R and "Pause All" Shift+Command+P.
- Fixed an issue with the Groups panel icons, which could cause a crash when exiting iGetter on OS X 10.10.
- Fixed an incompatibility between iGetter Plugin and Safari 7.0 (and some 6.0.x versions), which could lead to slowdowns and memory leaks of the Web Plugin process, in some rare cases.
- Fixed a potential issue with the Chrome External Extensions, which could prevent Chrome/Chromium recognizing iGetter Extension.
- Fixed an issue with the Item Settings dialog which won't change the file download name in some rare cases.
- Fixed an issue with the New URL dialog which won't filter some not allowed characters in the file name.
- Fixed the Enter Site URL dialog not hiding FTP Connection popup menu on a non ftp URLs.
- Fixed a potential issue in the Enter Site URL dialog, which could cause a crash in very rare cases.

• 2.9.2 June 21, 2013 (Mac)

- Added HiDPI font support for Retina displays.
- Implemented full-screen support for OS X Lion and Mountain Lion.
- Implemented mouse wheel support for the "Charts" and "Segment Log" custom views.
- Added support for Opera Next in iGetter Plugin.
- Improved the resize algorithm of the bottom panel ("Transfer Details"), which previously allowed coordinates beyond the limits of the available screen space.
- Added support for the "application/binary" MIME type.
- Fixed the "Download with iGetter" command in Firefox v17+, not functioning due to an incompatibility introduced in that version of the browser.
- Some fixes and additions to the French localization.
- Fixed the missing window edge resize cursors on OS X Lion and Mountain Lion.
- Fixed a bug in the "Zoom In"/ "Zoom Out" proportion calculation mechanism.
- Fixed a bug which caused, in some rare cases, incorrect resizing of the "Groups" list browser after zoom out.
- Fixed the incorrect sorting of the "Total Size" column in "Downloads".
- Fixed a bug with the metallic interface, which could cause a crash when the toolbar is hidden.

• 2.9.1 October 22, 2012 (Mac)

- Improved integration with Chrome/Chromium v22+ browser.
- Added support for the OS X built-in quarantine function, through the new iGetter option "Use OS X built-in quarantine" in the General preferences.
- Reworked iGetter Extension for Chrome/Chromium in accordance with the new v2 extension model, which supports Chrome/Chromium v18+.
- Added support for "Content-Disposition" downloads in iGetter Extension for Chrome/Chromium browser.
- Added bouncing icon feature when download completes in a folder added to the Dock.
- Added more informative alert dialogs in the contextual menu integration with Opera, when used in Opera Turbo mode or "Enable plug-ins on demand".
- Increased the max number of characters for the Cookie text edit field in the "Item Settings" dialog.
- Fixed an incompatibility with Chrome/Chromium v22.0.1226+ caused by the stopped support for Carbon Event model in this browser.
- Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect cookie to be sent on a secondary segment, when a redirection occurs.
- Fixed an incompatibility with the SeaMonkey browser versions prior 2.1 and iGetter Plugin.
- Fixed an incompatibility with the Navigator browser, which caused the Download Transferred message to appear in plain html.

• 2.9 August 8, 2012 (Mac)

- Ready for OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion.
- Digitally signed for Gatekeeper on OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion.
- Optimized for Firefox v14 and Chrome v22 browsers.
- Added new functionality in the iGetter Extension for Firefox, which allows transfer of download URLs through a new option named "iGetter" available on the Firefox Save Download dialog. This solves the problem with "Content-Disposition" downloads not sent otherwise to iGetter.
- Added support for cookies in secondary download segments. Reworked download engine to resolve cookies per individual URL on download segment.
- Added dynamic cookie cache per active download.
- Added new option in "Item Settings" and "Advanced Preferences" for preserving original file dates from the download servers.
- Specified application category type for better integration with Mac OS X 10.7 and OS X 10.8.
- Added a contextual menu for copying parameter values (incl. SHA1 and MD5) from Download Info and History Info panels. This could be very useful for fast checksum verifications.
- Added time info to the date fields in Download Info and History Info panels.
- Added support for 64bit Opera v12 in iGetter Plugin and iGetter Scriptable Plugin.
- Added support for the new versions of Safari, Firefox, Chrome/Chromium and Opera in iGetter Scriptable Plugin.
- Added support for the "application/download" MIME type.
- Reworked iGetter Plugin's informational mechanism (an URL is transferred for download in iGetter), which caused an infinite back loop in some rare cases.
- Added support for the new extension location in Chrome/Chromium v20+.
- Updated SQLite to improve compatibility with cookie file of the latest Firefox versions.
- Some fixes and additions to the Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Italian, Polish and Turkish localizations.
- Fixed a possible memory leak with the contextual menu usage in DataBrowser.
- Fixed the non-functioning "Move Up" and "Move Down" buttons in the "Download Rules" dialog.
- Fixed an incompatibility with Safari v5+, that could crash iGetter when launched through the contextual menu integration in Safari.
- Fixed a bug that prevented iGetter Extension from loading in Chrome/Chromium v17+.
- Fixed an incompatibility with Chrome/Chromium v22+, that caused "Could not load iGetter Plugin" error message in 32bit mode.
- Fixed an incompatibility that could crash iGetter Plugin with Safari v1.x browser.
- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect cookies to be sent on redirected URLs, in some rare cases.
- The History Info panel now always shows the file location, regardless of the file availability on the local file system.

• 2.8.8 October 13, 2011 (Mac)

- Optimized for Safari 5.1 and Firefox 7 browsers.
- Added new Browser Extension for contextual menu integration with Safari 5.1 or later.
- Reworked iGetter Firefox Extension to support Firefox 5/6/7/8/9/10 or later.
- Added support for 64bit browsers in iGetter Scriptable Plugin.
- Improved iGetter Browser Plugin and iGetter Scriptable Plugin to support session cookies in compatible browsers.
- Added SHA1 checksum calculation.
- Added support for Opera's new cookie file format v2.01.
- Improved the ".exe" and ".msi" file extension integration in iGetter Browser Plugin.
- Reworked the SSL implementation in iGetter to use OpenSSL for better compatibility with some servers.
- Added new option in the "Item Settings" dialog for saving the redirected URL, which overrides the global setting for the selected download.
- Fixed an incompatibility with Chrome/Chromium browser v16+.
- Fixed a bug that prevented iGetterSafariBundle to catch URLs with improperly set MIME types.
- Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect cookie to be used on secondary segments in some rare cases.
- Fixed a bug that prevented iGetter to load cookie information for the redirected URLs when "Save redirected URLs" is turned off.
- Fixed a bug with Site Explorer that caused URLs to be copied "unescaped" in clipboard.
- Fixed a crash with the alert dialog of non-resumable downloads, when the download is completed, but the alert is not closed, yet.

• 2.8.7 June 3, 2011 (Mac)

- Optimized for Firefox 4 and Opera browsers.
- Added contextual menu integration with Opera 10/11.
- Added support in iGetter Scriptable Plug-In for Opera browser.
- Added support for 64bit Firefox in iGetter Browser Plug-In.
- Added support for 64bit Firefox in iGetter Extension.
- Improved iGetter Browser Plug-In integration to support "WebPluginMIMETypes" in Info.plist.
- Added support for the "application/x-download" MIME type.
- Added new option "Save redirected URLs" in Advanced Preferences, which could help in case of redirection to temporary URLs.
- Reduced memory usage in the download queue.
- Some fixes and additions to the German, Italian, Japanese and Traditional Chinese localizations.
- Fixed a bug with "Estimate" and "Elapsed" time calculation, that in some time zones improperly added 30 min.
- Fixed a crash, caused by improperly set "Content-Length" or "Content-Range" HTTP headers in some very rare cases.

• 2.8.5 December 30, 2010 (Mac)

- Optimized for Safari 5, Google Chrome and Chromium browsers.
- Added contextual menu integration with Google Chrome and Chromium browsers.
- Added support in iGetter Browser Plug-In for Google Chrome and Chromium browsers.
- Added support for Google Chrome and Chromium cookies file format.
- Added new options in the "Item Settings" window for "Referrer", "User Agent", "Send Referrer" and "Rename upon redirection". The ability to set these options individually for any download could help with some servers, that require exact User Agent or Referrer, etc.
- Added new option in Advanced Preferences "Waiting items take download slots", which improves processing of the iGetter download queue, when downloading from slow or restrictive servers. Try this option if the default algorithm is ineffective and results in many waiting downloads.
- Added new option in Advanced Preferences "Override the individual download settings", which causes downloads to use the default User Agent, Referrer, etc., instead of the individual options set through the Item Settings dialog.
- Added new predefined User Agent strings for Safari 5, Google Chrome, Opera 10, QuickTime 7, etc.
- Added a new option in Advanced Preferences, to quit iGetter instead of shutting down the computer, etc., when a scheduled event occurs.
- Added support for the "application/force-download" MIME type.
- Some fixes with the German localization.
- Fixed an incompatibility with some new MacBook models, which could cause iGetter serial number changes in some rare cases.
- Fixed a bug with improperly set "Referrer" HTTP header entity in some rare occasions.
- Fixed a bug that prevented, in some cases, iGetter to quit when the system is shutdown or restarted.
- Fixed a bug with the batch download function, that caused improper file naming of downloads with same names in the URLs.
- Fixed an incompatibility with Opera 10.50 and later, which caused the iGetter contextual menu to function improperly in the browser.

• 2.8 December 4, 2009 (Mac)

- Optimized for Safari 4 on Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.
- Added support for 64-bit browsers in iGetter Browser Plug-In.
- Reworked integration method with the Safari browser on Mac OS X 10.6.
- Added support for Camino 2.x on Mac OS X 10.6.
- Added support for Firefox 3.x cookie file format.
- Improved processing algorithm of the iGetter download queue, which leads to better download bandwidth utilization, without any interruptions for waiting downloads.
- Improved "Site Manager" connection limitation logic to allow new segments only when there are free slots for them.
- Improved support for "Referrer" field in iGetter Browser Plug-In.
- Added support for the "7z" file extension in the iGetter browser integration.
- Improved iGetter Schedule function to keep the system awake and prevent idle sleep, when a scheduled event is forthcoming.
- Improved "Item Settings" and "New URL" to use the default browser's cookie.
- Fixed the background color used for "Status" column in the main window in Mac OS X 10.6.
- Fixed an incompatibility with Mac OS X 10.6, that caused a crash in some internal iGetter components.
- Fixed the background color glitch with the metallic theme when sheet windows are opened in Mac OS X 10.6.
- Fixed a bug that prevented iGetter to download through SSL connections in some cases.
- Fixed a bug that crashed iGetter when downloading very small files (less than 5 bytes).
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash, in some rare cases, when downloading simultaneously many files with many connections.
- Fixed a bug that could crash iGetter, when processing URLs received from external sources - Browser integration, CM integration, Finder integration, etc.
- Fixed a bug with browser integration, that in some rare cases could cause a crash in Safari when a "POST" HTTP method is used.
- Fixed a bug with "Content-Disposition" HTTP header entity, when no filename is provided.
- Fixed the redownload function to sort properly the multiple files included for redownload according to their positions in the History list.
- Some other fixes and improvements.

• 2.7.5 May 19, 2008 (Mac)

- Added a "Download Selection with iGetter" contextual menu command in Safari, Camino and Firefox browsers.
- Added support for importing ".urls" and ".lst" files.
- Added support for new Internet connection types: 1 - 20 Mbps Cable/DSL and 1Gbps Ethernet.
- Improved "Download All with iGetter" function in Safari, Camino and Firefox to extract links directly from the DOM browser model.
- Improved iGetter Paste command that allows addition of multiple URLs for downloading.
- Improved iGetter Copy command to copy all URLs of selected downloads separated by a new-line character.
- Enhanced "Import URLs list" function that allows importing URLs separated with white-space characters from any text file.
- Enhanced drag and drop functionality to handle text files with URLs separated with white-space characters.
- Fixed "Export selected files" function to export URLs sorted by the queue order number or if completed by the finished time.
- Fixed "Export selected files" function to properly encode exported URLs.
- Fixed a bug that in some rare cases caused a new download to be added in suspended state.
- Fixed a bug that prevented proper activation on license moving.
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash in iGetter when the default download folder is deleted.
- Some other fixes and improvements.

• 2.7 March 6, 2008 (Mac)

- Optimized for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and Safari v3.
- Completely reworked integration with the Safari browser on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.
- Completely reworked contextual menu integration with Camino 1.1 and up using Gecko SDK.
- Added support for the Mac OS X Leopard Downloads Stack.
- Added contextual menu support for Firefox 1.5.x/2.x/3.x.
- Added support for the "otrkey" and "shn" extensions in the iGetter browser plug-in.
- Improved integration with the Safari browser to prevent conflicts between iGetterSafariBundle and some third party Safari extensions.
- Improved iGetter functionality when downloading multiple small files simultaneously.
- Fixed a bug that prevented iGetter contextual menus to appear on Mac OS X 10.5.
- Fixed an incompatibility with Mac OS X 10.5 that prevented new downloads to appear in Finder.
- Fixed an incompatibility with Mac OS X 10.5 threading model that caused a crash in iGetter when downloading small files.
- Fixed "Open Downloads List..." and "Open History List..." to open text files in Mac OS X 10.5.
- Fixed "Import URLs List..." to open text files in Mac OS X 10.5.
- Fixed a bug with the main download window not appearing properly on multiple screen setups.
- Fixed "Item Settings" dialog that may crash iGetter if confirmed after a download completion.
- Fixed the minimum allowed values of "Timeout connection attempts after..." and "Reconnect if no data received for the last..." options.
- Fixed a bug that slowed down the download queue if a big number of items are downloaded simultaneously.
- Fixed a bug that may quit iGetter in some rare cases.

• 2.6 April 18, 2007 (Mac)

- Download Rules is the new major feature included in v2.6. It allows automatic sorting of newly added downloads into different folders using wide range of conditions.
- Added support for session cookies in Safari, Firefox, Camino and SeaMonkey (Mozilla). This allows downloading from sites, based on session authentication, like adobe.com.
- Added contextual menu support for Camino 1.x.
- Added support for SeaMonkey in the iGetter browser plug-in.
- Added new iGetter suite for third party AppleScript developers that allows addition of multiple items for downloading.
- Added a new "Import URLs list" function that allows importing a URLs list from a text file. Relevant to it is the new "Export selected files" function that exports URLs of selected downloads in a text file.
- Added a new dialog for easy modification of multiple downloads at once.
- Enhanced Site Explorer functionality. Site Explorer now shows the file date and file size information of FTP sites. In addition users can easily login to secure sites using the new Site Explorer's login dialog.
- Improved integration with the Safari browser.
- Improved iGetter browser plug-in to handle properly the HTML Meta Refresh tag that caused multiple addition of equal downloads.
- Improved iGetter functionality by preventing adding of equal URLs.
- Added some improvements to the multithreading code for better multiprocessor performance.
- Added saving of column width and position of all groups' tables as well as saving of the Toolbar's visible state.
- Added a "Don't ask me again" option at downloads deletion dialog.
- Fixed a bug in Site Explorer that prevented files with spaces in their names to appear.
- Fixed Site Explorer column sorting.
- Fixed Info panel updating.
- Fixed a bug that in some rare cases caused a crash in iGetter when it tries to resolve a server name into IP address.
- Included new localization for Polish and Portuguese (Brazil) languages.

• 2.5 April 14, 2006 (Mac)

- iGetter is now available as a Universal application, native on both Intel and PowerPC Macs.
- Added a new "FileAvenue Info" function that works for selected download and allows easy searching of additional file info in the FileAvenue downloads library. If the file is found the following info will appear: Product Name, Product Version, Filesize, Homepage, Description, Requirements, Product Category, License, Product Price, Web Store URL, Rating and Product Reviews URL.
- Added a "Move To Folder" function available for finished downloads for easy moving of one or more files to a new location.
- Added a new function for fast opening of download's Referrer URL in the default browser. The function is available as a green arrow to the left of "Referrer URL". You can click it to go to the file's homepage.
- Fixed a bug in the Batch Downloads function that caused a crash in iGetter when the "From" value is "0" as well as when a new added file already exists in the queue.
- Fixed a bug that in some cases caused a crash in iGetter when user switches between the Downloads and History views.
- Fixed a bug that in some cases caused a crash in iGetter CM Plug-in.

- Fixed a bug in auto-save file writing that may cause application locking in some rare cases.
- Fixed some typos in the Alert texts.
- Included new localization for Russian and Hungarian languages.

• 2.4 August 17, 2005 (Mac)

- Included "Add Batch Downloads" feature that allows easy insertion of a numbered sequence of URLs. This function is very useful when you want to download files that are split in parts (e.g. file001, file002, etc.).
- Added automatic MD5 checksum calculation of completed downloads.
- Added a custom cookie repository that allows saving of custom downloads cookies.
- Added a new "Set As Main URL" contextual menu function at the iGetter mirrors table for easy replacement of main download URL with a chosen mirror. This function is useful if the main download URL fails or appears to be nonresumable.
- Added a "Backup Lists" function for easy backing up of the iGetter downloads and history data files. In a case of need, you can restore your downloads or history lists by using the "Open Downloads List" and "Open History List" functions.
- A new function "Copy Log" for copying of transfer details transcript into the clipboard.
- Fixed transfer details transcript to properly show responses from the Netscape Enterprise servers.
- Fixed Site Manager logic to properly handle second level domains.
- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect redirection of URLs that included a port as well as relative URLs.
- Fixed New URL dialog to accept mirrors with user name and password.
- Fixed synchronization of the "Start downloading immediately" preference and "Download now" option at the New URL dialog.
- Improved handling of nonstandard FTP PASV responses.
- Some minor fixes in Italian and Asian localizations.

• 2.3 April 27, 2005 (Mac)

- Optimized for Mac OS X 10.4 "Tiger" and Safari v2.0.
- Optimized downloading of multiple simultaneous downloads by improving the queue logic.
- Added support for Firefox cookies.
- Added a Site Explorer cache for faster viewing of already explored sites.
- Added a history combo box to Site Explorer that saves all explored sites.
- Improved log in authorization through the Site Manager.
- Fixed a bug with the Speed Limit function when limitation is set to minimum (200 B/s).
- Fixed an incompatibility of the iGetter Input Manager Bundle and Safari v1.3 (coming with Mac OS X 10.3.9). iGetterIMBundle is completely rewritten to avoid future collisions with Safari.

• 2.2 March 9, 2005 (Mac)

- Added a new preview feature for downloaded multimedia files. By integration with QuickTime technology iGetter allows the previewing of all finished video, audio and other QuickTime readable downloads (Macromedia Flash, PDF, etc.) directly in the application. In addition, iGetter shows all of the available file media information (i.e. codec, height, width, duration, sample rate for movies and the entire tag info for MP3 files.)
- New look and feel for transfer details transcript. Now, all connection requests, server responses and notifications are shown in separate color areas for easier reading.
- A new Speed Limit slider located on the main window for easier adjustment of the speed limit value.
- Added support of the “Content-Disposition” HTTP protocol entity. Now, all files downloaded from HTTP servers that use “Content-Disposition” entity will be renamed properly.
- Added the ability to cancel Site Explorer connecting operations.
- Added the ability to enter a new HTTP download address without a file name (i.e. http://www.host.com/)
- Added support for FTPS (secure FTP) protocol scheme in URLs. This protocol uses a FTP over SSL (Implicit or Explicit) connection.
- Fixed a bug that caused improper appearance of URLs with encoded new lines in them.

• 2.1 December 22, 2004 (Mac)

- Site Explorer is the new major feature included in v2.1. It allows exploration of entire web or FTP sites, so you can easily find and download files you're interested in.
- When the Site Explorer is used iGetter displays the web contents rendered in a separate view below the site tree. This makes the process of exploration very convenient as you see the web page directly in iGetter as you would with a web browser.
- Site Explorer works with all known FTP server types (Unix/OSX/MSFTP/ PublicFile/VMS/WFTPD/NetPresenz(Mac)/NetWare FTP).
- Improved compatibly with some FTP servers.
- Added support for FTP sites in the "Process Web Page" function.
- Fixed improper sorting of items in the FileAvenue and Most Popular views.
- Fixed a bug in Item Settings that prevents case sensitive modifications of the file name.
- Other fixes and improvements.

• 2.0 August 16, 2004 (Mac)

- Completely rewritten download engine. The new engine uses native Mac OS X sockets from the UNIX layer, which overcomes bottlenecks of Carbon and Cocoa network layers.
- The new engine is fully preemptive multitasking and uses native Mac OS X pthreads from the UNIX layer, which increases the performance of the application especially on multiprocessor systems.
- Completely rewritten application architecture to use a modern event driven model, which decreases significantly CPU and memory usage (in idle mode iGetter uses around 0% CPU time).
- DNS requests are now completely multithreaded.
- iGetter downloads 40% faster than its previous version (calculation was made on 100mbps Ethernet connection).
- Included support for HTTP SSL protocol as well as FTP over SSL (implicit and explicit) protocols.
- Optimized disk write operations, which greatly improve the overall download speed.
- Integration with the FileAvenue.net web service. This feature allows the latest new and most popular files of the FileAvenue.net downloads library to appear directly in iGetter.
- Included a Site Manager that allows limitation of the overall number of connections for particular servers.
- The entire application is optimized for Mac OS X 10.3 "Panther".
- New Interface with a new look and feel.
- Included Metallic interface with an option to switch between Aqua and Metallic interfaces.
- A full set of 25 function icons professionally designed for both Aqua and Metallic interfaces.
- New professionally designed preferences interface.
- New powerful grouping functions.
- Included a history list for all finished downloads.
- Included new search function with an option to search in the queue, history list or FileAvenue downloads library. Results appear in separate groups.
- Included ability for manual insertion of mirror servers for each download.
- Added contextual menu support for Safari and Camino.
- Improved integration of iGetter with Safari to handle dmg files.

• 1.9.5 May 30, 2003 (Mac)

- Included new localizations for Traditional Chinese and German languages.
- New contextual menu support for OmniWeb browser.
- Included support for Safari and Camino "cookies".
- Included three new columns in the queue: "Elapsed Time", "Start Date" and "End Date".
- Included ability to customize the queue table columns, change the column order, and sort the queue by any column (only in MacOS X).
- iGetter now shows the average speed of the finished downloads.
- Improved the Internet browser plugin.
- A new "Info" tab pane. It shows detailed information of the currently selected download in the queue.
- Included ability to open the folder containing a finished downloads or the "Item Settings" window of uncompleted downloads with a double-click.
- Included a new option for switching the computer into sleep mode instead of shutting it down (only in MacOS X).
- Now "Process Web Page" properly handles files with equal names and href tags with CR/LFs in them.
- Improved handling of URLs that include colon characters in the file name.
- Improved handling of "416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable" HTTP error. Now iGetter will download successfully from servers responding with this error (e.g. macupdate.com).
- Fixed a buffer overflow bug.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes crashes iGetter when deleting items from the queue.
- Fixed a bug that causes iGetter to save only parts of the login information.

• 1.9 November 12, 2002 (Mac)

- Included new localizations for Japanese, French, Spanish and Italian languages.
- New contextual menu support in MacOS X for Internet Explorer, iCab and Opera browsers.
- A new Zip Preview function. This feature will allow you to preview the content of 'zip' compressed files before to download them.
- iGetter is now compiled as a Mach-O Binary in Bundle MacOS X native format.
- New aqua icons for the application, documents and application folder.
- A new Verify mirror servers function. It will check the time of response and availability of the mirror servers.
- Included automatic saving of the download URL in the Finder's file Comments field in MacOS X.
- Included drag & drop support for web location files in MacOS X.
- iGetter now supports the external download manager feature in the Opera browser for MacOS.
- A new option that allows iGetter to stay in background when a new download is added.
- A new option for treating unresolvable server errors as resolvable. This option may help in situations when some servers don't respect the HTTP/FTP specifications for errors and return non-fatal errors as fatal.
- A new option for turning on or off the contextual menu plugin.
- Now the serial number from the About box can be copied in the clipboard for easy registration.
- Prevented a bug in Internet Explorer with double redirected URLs (for example the registration forms in Apple.com).
- Included support for DigitalRiver.com downloads.
- Included new application uninstaller.
- Improved automatic renaming of duplicated files to take into consideration the file extensions (for example "file.sit" is named "file 1.sit" instead of "file.sit 1").
- Fixed a bug that crashes iGetter with Type 3 error on MacOS 8 and MacOS 8.1.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes crashes iGetter when deleting items from the queue.
- Fixed antivirus program selection to allow bundle applications for MacOS X (as Virex).
- Fixed a minor bug in the "Process Web page" function.
- Fixed "Speed Limit" function.
- Improved "Hang-up when done" and "Redial if disconnected" functions.
- Improved user interface for the MacOS version.

• 1.8 April 3, 2002 (Mac)

- Included new Speed Limit function. This feature will allow you to download files with iGetter and still use your web browser without loss of performance.
- Now on MacOS X 10.1 iGetter shows the average download speed on the Dock Icon.
- On MacOS X 10.1 you can control-click the Dock Icon to get a contextual menu, to easily control iGetter while it is hidden.
- New improved interface in MacOS X version.
- Fixed a crash after drag & drop over the Target Icon on MacOS X.
- Fixed a bug with multiple dropped URLs over the folder groups.

• 1.7 January 30, 2002 (Mac)

- Included new drag and drop method for easily adding, managing and grouping downloads in folder filters and between them.
- New function for speaking messages associated with events that occur within iGetter.
- New improved interface in MacOS X version.
- Some improvements and fixes on operations over multiple items - multiple inserting of lost iGetter downloads, 'Select all' function, adding or deleting multiple items from the queue.
- Fixed incompatibility in integration of iGetter with Internet Explorer v5.1.
- Added iGetter browser plugin uninstaller.

• 1.6 December 21, 2001 (Mac)

- Included new 'Process Web Page' function. This function can process all web page links for downloading with iGetter.
- New option for automatically renaming of redirected files.
- Improved and fixed 'Watch for clicks in Internet Browsers' option. Now if this option is turned off iGetter will automatically restore the latest Internet Explorer plug-in configurations.

• 1.5 November 14, 2001 (Mac)

- Included cookies support. Now you can download from servers that require cookies from your computer like MP3.com or other services.
- Included integration with Internet browsers using browsers plugin technology.
- New Item Settings dialog, allowing better administration of downloads.
- Included new function for mirror searching of downloads for additional acceleration of downloading.
- Fixed bug with unsafe Handle using in Transfer Details.
- Fixed bug when some times iGetter crashes if the URL ends with % sign.

• 1.4 September 24, 2001 (Mac)

- Included Segmented (Accelerated) Downloading. This new basic feature of iGetter can improve the speed of your downloads.
- Included Search function. Now iGetter users will have a fast and convenient way to search for software, individual files, MP3s or games.
- New Item Settings dialog, allowing better administration of downloads.
- Included new option for switching the computer into sleeping mode instead of shutting down (only in the version for MacOS 7.5.3 - 9.x).
- Optimization of download buffers according to the connection speed.
- Fixed bug when some times iGetter changes time to 24 h clock.
- Fixed bug with folder filters when using more than one filter from the same parent folder.
- Fixed bug when iGetter crashes after opening the Target Icon window on systems prior MacOS 8.5.

• 1.3 August 11, 2001 (Mac)

- First release for MacOS X.
- Included three types of queue filters that automatically show downloads in accordance with various criteria.
- Included possibility to make multiple selections in the queue to perform group operations over file downloads.
- Improved interface of the Preferences window.
- Fixed bug with tooltips when using system with more than one display.
- Fixed bug when redirecting to relative URLs.
- Fixed bug when sometimes iGetter crashes after deleting a file from the queue.
- Fixed bug when checking Internet connection is off but iGetter continues testing it.

• 1.2 July 10, 2001 (Mac)

- Not a public release.

• 1.1 June 8, 2001 (Mac)

- Added new command 'Set Download in Pending'.
- Included possibility to Show/Hide the Main Window from the Windows menu.
- Main Window can be activated with double clicking on the Target Icon.
- Some improvements of the Preferences window user interface.
- Fixed bug with crashing iGetter when in the clipboard are copied more than 513 chars.
- Fixed incompatibilities with some Appearance themes (etc. Aqua theme).

• 1.0 April 30, 2001 (Mac)

- Initial release.

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